Looks: Fairly close.The distribution of toppings isn't as even, but the amount pictured looks accurate. The flecks of spice on the cheese aren't as numerous on the real one. There is not nearly as much cheese, and it does not extend as close to the edge. There is also very, very little sauce compared to the pizza on the box. However, the colour of the crust looks right, and the vegetables are the right colour, with the same amount of fresh glossiness as pictured. 3.5 out of 5.
Taste: Wow, for a pizza that came out of the freezer, this is excellent! The toppings are absolutely delicious - the peppers have just the right amount of crunch, the tomatoes are tasty, the olive bits are pleasantly olive-y, and the flavour of the onion stands out just like it should. They all taste about as fresh as they look, which can't be said of most frozen pizzas. The crust is just the right thickness with the perfect amount of crunch, with an ideal bread flavour, which is far better than I can say about most pizza crusts. You can also taste a little bit of spice - very subtle, but it complements the other flavours very well. I have only a few minor complaints: the cheese was quite thin, there was VERY little sauce, which had almost no flavour, and just a smidgen too much salt. Overall, I'm very impressed. 4 out of 5.
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